A Call For Alignment – Amending Governing Documents

In its continuing effort to improve our community, the Sugarland Run Homeowners Association Board of Directors is pleased to announce that the first phase to review the Association’s Declarations has been completed.

Sugarland Run has been operating under the Declarations originally provided by the Developer since the early 1970’s. Times have changed which has required modernization of the Declarations

Per the existing Governing Docs, every ten years on the anniversary date of the declaration, the percentage of Owners required to approve amendments decreases from 75% to 67%.  The BOD attempted to use this window of opportunity to amend the Declarations and empower the community by updating certain restrictive provisions by enabling the SRHOA to use modern technology and lower the voting percentage to make future changes more attainable.

After reviewing the Declarations and consideration of the valuable input of community members over several “Town Hall” meetings via Zoom, the Board proposed the following amendments.

Summary of Proposed Amendments:

The first amendment would allow Sugarland Run to conduct business and obtain member votes using secure electronic means.  In addition to the traditional written format, Sugarland Run will have the opportunity to use technology such as email, apps, video/audio conferencing, online voting tools, as well as future technologies, for communicating with residents and conducting annual, special, and regular meetings of members and of the Board in addition to polls, surveys, and more. (Update: Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, VA State Law passed to enable electronic means of conducting Association business – electronic voting is authorized.  SRHOA considered options to procure a voting platform software and selected “VoteHOA Now.”  More to come!)

The second amendment would lower the voting requirement needed to amend the Declarations to 51% Sugarland Run has two Declarations so, in order to lower the percentage required to adopt an amendment, two similar documents must be signed by Owners. A lower voting percentage requirement will better empower the community to make future amendments and adapt to changes over the long-term.

The final amendment package was mailed out however you can access the final package down below. To date the HOA Office has received over 200 + signatures, bringing us closer to modernizing our documents. We need your support to approve these amendments.  Please mail in or drop off at the community office mailbox your two original Declaration Amendments Ratifications (signature pages only) included in this package.  Thank you for your comments and overall support in making Sugarland Run a wonderful place to live.  If you have any questions (Se Habla Español), please contact our General Manager, Asma Khan at (703) 430-4500 or manager@srhoa.com.


Sugarland Run Homeowners Association, Inc. Board of Directors