Community Center
Some History
The original Community Center had a vertically oriented wooden exterior. After 35 years, our Community Center was in need of updates and rehabilitation. Ground breaking for renovations to the Community Center occurred in March 2006. The Sugarland Run Board of Directors was able to set the $1.6 million needed for renovations aside without any change in community services, special assessments, or raising dues. We enjoyed our first event held in the newly remodeled center in July 2008.
And at the 50th – 51st year, we finally replaced the floors on the lower level that have been botched for 15-16 years (since the prior renovation). Roof leaks were repaired and other aesthetic improvements were made (such as replacing stained ceiling tiles). We even addressed the odd drain pipe that had been sticking up in the middle of the foyer. We’ve replaced the HVAC units with more energy efficient models and hope to keep the community center in good shape for the duration. Remember that when renting the facility for your events, that someone may be renting the same space the following day. Be sure to end your event early enough to allocate time to clean up properly. Cleaning supplies are provided.
Community Events
Residents of Sugarland Run enjoy several Community Activities Committee (CAC) hosted events held at our Community Center each year. These events include:
- Movie nights
- Dances
- Concerts
- Holiday Parties
- Meetings
- Art Classes
- Karaoke
Contact the CAC if you have an idea for a community event at
In addition to the great events hosted by the CAC for residents, residents are also able to rent the Community Center and the meeting rooms in the Office Building directly for their personal events. Please contact the Office at to make arrangements.
Community Center Rental:
4-hour minimum
$500.00 deposit
Available Rental Hours: 8 AM through 12 AM
$50.00/hr with kitchen
$40.00/hr excludes kitchen