In an effort to better reach out to the citizens of Sugarland Run, the Loudoun County Sheriff’s Office maintains a community policing center at 89 Sugarland Run Drive. You may contact a Deputy by leaving a message at the Sugarland substation phone 571-434-7044, call the LCSO non-emergency number at 703-777-1021, or fill out a Community Policing Action Request Form and drop it off at the SRHOA office.

You can expect the Community Policing Officer to contact you about your complaint, and confidentiality will be maintained if desired.

The Action Request Form is not intended to substitute the efforts of traditional patrols, but rather to initiate relief for issues that affect your quality of life or need to be approached though more long term problem solving strategies.

Remember, if you need immediate assistance to always dial 911.

The Community Policing Team utilizes community policing and crime prevention strategies in neighborhoods to address quality of life issues that often lead to criminal activity.

Close coordination with elected officials, community and business leaders and homeowners’ associations fosters a partnership that enhances problem solving.