What are my monthly Dues?
SRHOA 2024 monthly dues are $78.45 and are due on the 1st of every month.
Hunington Ridge Condominium Association dues are $39.20 and are due on the 1st of every month.
THOA 2024 monthly dues are $80.42 and are due the 1st of every month.
Where is the Office located?
The Office address is 200 Greenfield Ct, Sterling, VA, 20164. It is the building across the parking lot from the Community Center.
How can I pay my bills?
Monthly dues can be paid at the Office, by mail to 200 Greenfield Ct, Sterling, VA 20164, or online at https://sequoia.cincwebaxis.com/. Automatic Payment is also available by completing the ACH Debit form that can be found at the office or on the website. A voided check MUST be included with the form.
Only checks and money orders are accepted at the office. NO CASH is accepted.
Credit Card payments can only be made online (fee applies).
Can I pay Dues for both associations (SRHOA/THOA) on the same check/payment?
No, separate checks/payments are required to pay each association as they have separate accounts.
What do I need to do if I’m selling my home?
If you are planning on selling your home, you will need to request Disclosure Documents, the form can be found on https://secure.condocerts.com/resale/. The request MUST be made by the current Homeowner.
The Disclosure document will take up to 2 weeks to be completed, unless a rush is requested which would take up to 5 business days to complete.
Your settlement company should request a payoff prior to settlement to ensure all fees are collected.
What is the process to rent a space?
There are 2 spaces available to rent, the Community Center and Room A in the Office building. The processes are as follows:
Community Center
The contract needs to be filled out in the Office with the Rental Fee and Rental Deposit (two separate checks) to reserve. Your Deposit check is deposited at the bank and the Deposit Refund is processed within 2 weeks of the rental if the Community Center is clean and in good condition following your use.
$50.00 per hour with Kitchen
$40.00 per hour without Kitchen
4-hour Minimum
2 Weeks’ notice
Setup/cleanup time are included in rental time
Capacity: 125 Standing, 100 Sitting
Chairs and Tables are not included in rental but may be used if available (arranged in advance)
Room A – Office Building
The contract needs to be filled out in the Office with the Rental Fee and Rental Deposit (two separate checks) to reserve. Your Deposit check is deposited at the bank and the Deposit Refund is processed within 2 weeks of the rental if the room is clean and in good condition following your use.
$25.00 per hour
4-hour Minimum
2 Weeks’ notice
Setup/cleanup time are included in rental time
Capacity: 74 Standing
Chairs and Tables are not included in rental but may be used if available (arranged in advance)
When do I need to fill out an ARC Application?
An ARC application needs to be submitted for ANY exterior addition, alteration, modification, or improvement of the property. The steps are as follows:
Complete an ARC application, including any supporting documentation. Depending on the modification, supporting documents may include drawings,
plans, or color samples. Surveyor-certified plat drawings are required when adding structures such as decks, patios, fences or landscaping. Loudoun County Building permits may also be required for sheds, exterior structures, and additions.
Submit applications with supporting documents by the day of the ARC Meeting (second Tuesday of the month).
Homeowners are welcome to attend the ARC meeting but are not required to.
The ARC Committee’s decision on applications is available to applicants by calling the office after 8AM the day following the ARC meeting, and is confirmed by mail within 60 days of receipt of the application.
The application can be found on the website, in the newsletter, and at the office.
Separate applications need to be submitted for separate projects
ARC guidelines can be found on the srhoa.com website or at the office.
Approved lists can also be found on the website and at the office.
ARC applications still need to be submitted for approved lists.
Where can I find documents and forms for both associations (SRHOA/SRTHOA)?
All forms can be found on the srhoa.com website or at the office.
Website -> Sugarland Run Residents -> Documents and Forms
Where can I submit forms and applications?
Forms can be dropped off at the Office, emailed to admin@srhoa.com or faxed to 703–430–4501.
When are the Board Meetings?
The SRHOA Board meets (at the Community Center and via Zoom) on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the month at 6:30 PM.
The THOA Board meets the 2nd Wednesday of every month (via Zoom only) at 7:30 PM.
Who should I contact if I need an extension for a violation?
If you have received a violation and you need an extension to remedy the problem, please fill out an extension request and get it the office by dropping it off or emailing it to inspector@srhoa.com
Who should I contact if I corrected a violation?
If you have received a Violation and it has been corrected, please call the office at 703-430-4500 or email inspector@srhoa.com so an inspector can verify that the violation has been remedied.
When should I contact Loudoun County Sheriff’s non-emergency line?
You should report any suspicious activity within the community. Abandoned vehicles, or any parking issues on County streets should also be reported. The Loudoun County non-emergency line is 703-777-1021. Noise ordinance violations (after 11pm) may also be directed to the non-emergency line if your requests to your neighbor are ignored.
If I live in a single-family home do I need to setup my own trash removal?
Yes, if you are in a single-family home the SRHOA does not manage trash collection and you are required to set that up on your own.
When is trash and recycle picked up for the Sugarland Run Townhouses?
Trash pick-up is Mondays and Thursdays, recycle is picked up on Mondays.
If I live in the Sugarland Run Townhouses, and have a problem with my trash pick-up who do I contact?
The THOA manages your trash account, however, if you have any problems with their drivers or pick-up, you can contact American Disposal at 703-368-0500.
Who maintains the roads when it snows?
All streets within Sugarland Run are the responsibility of the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT).
VDOT reports that they do not plow or sand secondary to side streets until a storm is over. If your street has not been plowed or sanded within 24 hours of the end of the storm, please contact VDOT at 703-383-8368.
Who maintains the Sugarland Run Townhouses parking lots (where there are number assigned spaces) when it snows?
The Sugarland Run Townhouse parking lots are plowed and sanded by a THOA contractor and if you are experiencing problems within your parking lot (where there are numbered assigned spaces) please call the office at 703-430-4500 or email admin@srhoa.com.
How do I get a visitor pass for the Sugarland Run Townhouses?
If you are the homeowner, you need to come in to the office and bring your Driver’s License to obtain a visitor parking pass.
If you are a tenant, a visitor parking pass authorization form needs to completed by the homeowner and a copy of your current lease as well as your Driver’s License will be needed to obtain a visitor’s parking pass.
When is towing enforced in the Sugarland Run Townhouse parking lots?
Towing begins at Midnight and is only enforced for cars parked in visitor spots without a visitor’s parking pass. If your car has been towed, please contact Battlefield Towing at 703-378-0059.