The Sugarland Run Swim Team is part of the Colonial Swim League and was formed in 1975 as a developmental and competitive swim team. Since 1975 the swim team has provided opportunities for swimmers to grow in sportsmanship and team spirit, training in the four competitive swimming strokes, and as an outlet for the boundless energy that children have once school is out! Our goal is to offer a safe environment in which fun summer memories can be created.
Annual registration begins in April/May and is an online process. The season begins right after Memorial Day and ends in late July/early August. Keep checking the team’s website for information.
The team is a parent-run organization that requires all parents to volunteer. You and your swimmers will have a better swim season if parents volunteer and become part of the team. Each meet needs approximately 50 volunteers in order to run efficiently. There are many ways that parents can help: trained deck officials, timers, clerks of course (people who make sure swimmers are present for their races), concession stand helpers, ribbon writers, and many more.
The Sugarland Run Dolphins is a member-run, family-oriented swim team that seeks to provide a fun and competitive environment for the swimmers in Sugarland Run.
The Sugarland Run Dolphins believe that swimming should be available to everyone who lives in the Sugarland Run community, age 18 years and younger, who can swim 25 yards/meters unaided. While this is a summer developmental program, the Dolphins is not a substitute for swim lessons. Swimming is competitive, challenging, and fun. Safety will be stressed at all times.
The coaching staff will teach and/or develop competitive stroke techniques in freestyle, backstroke, starts, turns, finishes, and proper swimming equipment usage. Butterfly and breaststroke will be introduced based upon swimmer’s abilities. Practices will be structured to provide a thorough physical workout to help develop swimming speed and endurance.
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