In addition to belonging to the SRHOA, homeowners within Sugarland Square have their own separate association (SSHOA).

SSHOA is currently self-managed by resident owners. Dues are billed yearly and paid quarterly.

SSHOA maintains their own parking lot, takes care of their common grounds and reviews architectural applications for their subdivision.

Names of the Board members are available upon request. Board meetings are held on the 3rd Thursday of each month at 7:30 pm in the Sugarland Run Community Center.

Sugarland Square HOA
c/o Patriot Properties
19420 Golf Vista Plaza Suite 220
Landsdowne, VA 20176

Jake Kelly
(571) 291-2165
(571) 918-4296 (fax)


Sugarland Square Homeowners Association Board of Directors:

President: Curtis Brown