Sugarland Run Townhouse Association Annual Meeting – May 10, 2024
Dear Sugarland Run Townhome Owners:
The SRTHOA Annual Meeting and Board of Directors scheduled for Friday, May 10, 2024, at 7:00 PM. All five (5) seats on the Board of Directors election are up for election. All owners of the SRTHOA are encouraged and entitled to vote for five (5) candidates for the Board of Directors.
There are three options to choose from on the proxy. Regardless of which of the options below you choose, it is critical that you sign and return your ballot at detailed above. We must have sufficient ballots submitted to reach quorum for an annual meeting to be held. It is during the SRTHOA Annual Meeting that Townhouse residents elect a new Board of Directors. If an insufficient number of ballots are returned, the Annual Meeting and elections cannot be held.
- Option 1 – Submit a proxy for the quorum purposes only. To take this option, you do not select candidates and instead, sign and submit your proxy vote to ensure that quorum is met.
- Option 2 – Submit your proxy vote, with your votes for your candidate(s) of choice. This will direct the Proxy Holder to count you present for quorum purposes and to cast your vote directed on the proxy.
- Option 3 – Submit your proxy vote, with no specific candidate selected, instead directing the proxy holder to count you present for quorum purposes and to cast your vote in the manner that the Proxy Holder deems to be best.
Please Join Us Via Zoom or In-Person. Our Meeting Instructions are listed below.
Topic: 2024 Annual Meeting and Election Join Zoom Meeting
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 899 5565 9484
Passcode: 672598
One tap mobile
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+13052241968,,89955659484#,,,,672598# US
Dial by your location •+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
Meeting ID: 899 5565 9484
Passcode: 672598
Or find your local number:
This election is very important to the community and owner participation is critical for the ongoing health of our neighborhood. This is a chance for you to be heard and to express your opinion on how you would like to see the association guided in the coming year.
Please vote either by attending the hybrid meeting via zoom, in person at the community center, or by returning the proxy by May 10, 2024.
The proxy voting ballot is for you to complete and return to the HOA office no later than May 10, 2024, by 5:00 P. M. Once you have completed and signed the proxy, all you need to do is return to the HOA office via mail or in-person at 200 Greenfield Court, Sterling, VA 20164. An after-hours mail slot is available beside the front door of the HOA Office for your convenience. You may also email it to